BE 150/Bi 250b: Introduction to Python for genetic networks

(c) 2018 Justin Bois. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License CC-BY 4.0. All code contained herein is licensed under an MIT license.

This document was prepared at Caltech with support financial support from the Donna and Benjamin M. Rosen Bioengineering Center.

This tutorial was generated from a Jupyter notebook. You can download the notebook here.

You have already installed Anaconda. Anaconda contains most of what we need to do scientific computing with Python. At the most basic level, it has Python 3.6. It contains other modules we will make heavy use of, the three most important ones being NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib.

In this tutorial, we will first learn some of the basics of using Python to analyze genetic networks.

We will perform our analysis in a Jupyter notebook. Jupyter notebooks are great for creating tutorials such as this one. The beauty of using an Jupyter notebook is that you can combine nice typesetting of text and mathematical expressions with individual sections of code. The code can be run section by section, or the whole document can be run at once. You will probably want to use a Jupyter notebook for your homework, and this is what we will use interactively during when going over computational techniques in lecture.

To launch a Jupyter notebook, enter

jupyter notebook

on the command line and hit enter. Jupyter will launch in a browser window. To the upper right, you can use a pulldown menu to create a new Python 3 Jupyter notebook. This will open a new tab or window with a fresh notebook.

Optionally, you can use JupyterLab, which is my personal preference. If you have it installed, you can launch it by entering

jupyter lab

on the command line.

Our model system

For the purposes of this tutorial, we will model a cascade. The genetic network is shown below.


Here, X is our input, which we will specify. (X could be something like an externally imposed stimulus.) We are interested in the response of Y and Z as a function of input X.

We will assume Hill-like behavior for the activation of Y by X and of Z by Y. We also neglect leakage. We define the concentrations of X, Y, and Z, respectively as x, y, and z. The system of ODEs describing this system is then


Note that x is a function of time. As is generally a good idea for analysis of these systems, we will non-dimensionalize. We define dimensionless parameters as follows.


With these in hand, our dimensionless ODEs are


For notational convenience, and since we will always be working in dimensionless units, we will drop the tildes.


Thus, in addition to the specifics of our input x(t), we have five parameters, βy, βz, γ, nx, and ny.

Our goal is to solve this system of ODEs for given parameters and x(t). We will use scipy.integrate.odeint() to do the solutions.


In order to do scientific computing and plotting, we need to import the modules that contain the packages we need. I will go ahead and import all modules we will need for this tutorial now. I'll talk about each module as we use them throughout the tutorial.

In [1]:
# NumPy and odeint, our workhorses
import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate

# For interactive plots
import ipywidgets

# Plotting modules
import bokeh.plotting

# Ensure that plots show in the notebook
BokehJS 0.12.15 successfully loaded.


We will use scipy.integrate.odeint() to perform the integration of the system of ODEs. It uses the Hindmarsh algorithm, intelligently dealing with potential stiffness in the equations.

You can look at the documentation for scipy.integrate.odeint() here or you can enter


in a code cell of your Jupyter notebook. The typical function call to scipy.integrate.odeint() that we will use in this class is of the form

scipy.integrate.odeint(f, y0, t, args=())

scipy.integrate.odeint() solves the system of ODEs


where y is a vector and f(y,t) is vector-valued. Thus, scipy.integrate.odeint() takes as its first argument a function that returns an array containing the right hand side of the system of ODEs you are computing. When you define this function, it must be of the form

f(y, t, *args)

where the *args indicates the parameters on which the function depends.

The second argument to scipy.integrate.odeint() is the initial condition, again stored as an array. The third argument is an array of time points for which you want the solution to the ODEs. Finally, as I already mentioned, args is a tuple containing the other parameters to be passed into the function f.

All this is best seen by example, so we will solve our cascade circuit.

Solving for a constant input X

For our first foray into using scipy.integrate.odeint() to solve ODEs, let's consider the case where we have no X, Y, or Z present. At time t=0, we suddenly have a concentration of X of x0. So, we need six parameters for the right hand side of our ODEs, βy, βz, γ, nx, ny, and x0.

We now define the function for the right hand side of the ODEs.

In [2]:
def cascade_rhs(yz, t, beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x):
    Right hand side for cascade X -> Y -> Z.  Return dy/dt and dz/dt.
    # Unpack y and z
    y, z = yz
    # Compute dy/dt
    dy_dt = beta_y * x**n_x / (1 + x**n_x) - y
    # Compute dz/dt
    dz_dt = gamma * (beta_z * y**n_y / (1 + y**n_y) - z)
    # Return the result as a NumPy array
    return np.array([dy_dt, dz_dt])

We can now define the initial conditions, our parameters, and the time points we want and use scipy.integrate.odeint() to solve.

In [3]:
# Time points we want for the solution
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)

# Initial condition
yz_0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

# Parameters
beta_y = 1.0
beta_z = 1.0
gamma = 1.0
n_x = 2
n_y = 2
x_0 = 2.0

# Package parameters into a tuple
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_0)

# Integrate ODES
yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs, yz_0, t, args=args)

That's it! The integration is done. We can now look at what scipy.integrate.odeint()'s output looks like.

In [4]:
(1000, 2)

The first column of the output yz gives y(t) at the specified time points and the second column gives z(t). We would now like to plot the results.

Plotting results

We will use Bokeh to plot the results. The syntax is pretty self-explanatory from the example. Note that you can save a plot as a PNG by clicking the disk icon next to the plot, which might be helpful for incorporating your plots into your homeworks. (Note that for publications, you should usually save your figures in a vector graphics format, which Bokeh supports, but is not necessary for this class.)

In [5]:
# Set up color palette for this notebook
colors = bokeh.palettes.d3['Category10'][10]

# Pluck out y and z
y, z = yz.transpose()

# Set up plot
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, y, line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y')
p.line(t, z,line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'bottom_right'

#Show plot

We see that the casacade acts as a delay for changes in z as a result of input x. With our tools in hand, we can vary parameters and investigate other behavior.

Interactive plotting and varying parameters

Plotting with Bokeh in Jupyter notebooks allows for interactivity with plots that can help to rapidly gain insights about how parameter values might affect the dynamics. For response to the sudden presence of X, there are six parameters. We can set up interactive widgets to vary the parameters and see how the responses change. This can be done within a Jupyter notebook but I prefer setting up a separate served Bokeh dashboard for this. I use the code below to do it, which is present in the file To view the plot, enter the following on the command line

bokeh serve

and then point a web browser to http://localhost:5006/interactive_cascade.

In [6]:
with open('', 'r') as f:
To do interactive plotting, run:

    bokeh serve

on the command line.  Then, point a web browser to

import itertools

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate

import bokeh.layouts
import bokeh.models
import bokeh.plotting

# Set up color palette
colors = bokeh.palettes.d3['Category10'][10]

def cascade_rhs(yz, t, beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x):
    Right hand side for cascade X -> Y -> Z.  Return dy/dt and dz/dt.
    # Unpack y and z
    y, z = yz
    # Compute dy/dt
    dy_dt = beta_y * x**n_x / (1 + x**n_x) - y
    # Compute dz/dt
    dz_dt = gamma * (beta_z * y**n_y / (1 + y**n_y) - z)
    # Return the result as a NumPy array
    return np.array([dy_dt, dz_dt])

# Time points we want for the solution
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 1000)

# Initial condition
yz_0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

# Parameters
beta_y = 1.0
beta_z = 1.0
gamma = 1.0
n_x = 2
n_y = 2
x_0 = 2.0

# Package parameters into a tuple
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_0)

# Integrate ODES
yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs, yz_0, t, args=args)

# Set up plot
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
y_line = p.line(t, yz[:,0], line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y')
z_line = p.line(t, yz[:,1],line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'bottom_right'

# Set up widgets
log_beta_y_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(title='log₁₀ βy',
log_beta_z_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(title='log₁₀ βz',
log_gamma_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(title='log₁₀ γ', 
log_x_0_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(title='log₁₀ x₀',
n_x_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(title='nx',
n_y_slider = bokeh.models.Slider(title='ny', 
normalized_toggle = bokeh.models.Toggle(label='normalized')

widgets = (log_beta_y_slider, 

# Set up callback to update plot based on slider values
def resolve():
    args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_0)
    return scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs, yz_0, t, args=args)

def update(attrname, old, new):
    # New parameter values
    beta_y = 10**log_beta_y_slider.value
    beta_z = 10**log_beta_z_slider.value
    gamma = 10**log_gamma_slider.value
    x_0 = 10**log_x_0_slider.value
    n_x = n_x_slider.value
    n_y = n_y_slider.value

    # Integrate ODES with new parameters
    args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_0)
    yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs, yz_0, t, args=args)

    # Normalize if necessary
        yz[:,0] /= yz[:,0].max()
        yz[:,1] /= yz[:,1].max()

    # Update data sources in plot['y'] = yz[:,0]['y'] = yz[:,1]

def update_button(new):
    """Same as above function, but with different call signature,
    as required by buttons."""
    # New parameter values
    beta_y = 10**log_beta_y_slider.value
    beta_z = 10**log_beta_z_slider.value
    gamma = 10**log_gamma_slider.value
    x_0 = 10**log_x_0_slider.value
    n_x = n_x_slider.value
    n_y = n_y_slider.value

    # Integrate ODES with new parameters
    args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_0)
    yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs, yz_0, t, args=args)

    # Normalize if necessary
        yz[:,0] /= yz[:,0].max()
        yz[:,1] /= yz[:,1].max()

    # Update data sources in plot['y'] = yz[:,0]['y'] = yz[:,1]  

# Activate widgets
for widget in widgets[:-1]:
    widget.on_change('value', update)

# Lay out graphic
params = bokeh.layouts.widgetbox(*widgets), params)) = 'Cascade response'

Importantly, when exploring the plot interactively, we see that when Y cooperatively activates Z (that is, ny is large), the delay is longer.

Duration of input

Now imagine that the input is a pulse of duration τ. We can write a function for this and plot it.

In [7]:
def x_pulse(t, t_0, tau, x_0):
    Returns x value for a pulse beginning at t = 0 
    and ending at t = t_0 + tau.
    return np.logical_and(t >= t_0, t <= (t_0 + tau)) * x_0

# Plot the pulse
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless x')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, x_pulse(t, 1.0, 2.0, 2), line_width=2)

#Show plot

If we want to solve the ODEs for a pulsed input, we need to have a way to pass this function as a parameter. Fortunately, we can pass functions as arguments in Python! So, we write a new function that takes x_fun, the function describing x(t) as an argument, as well as x_args, the set of parameters passed into x_fun.

In [8]:
def cascade_rhs_x_fun(yz, t, beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_fun, x_args):
    Right hand side for cascade X -> Y -> Z.  Return dy/dt and dz/dt.
    x_fun is a function of the form x_fun(t, *x_args), so x_args is a tuple
    containing the arguments to pass to x_fun.
    # Compute x
    x = x_fun(t, *x_args)
    # Return cascade RHS with this value of x
    return cascade_rhs(yz, t, beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x)

With this in hand, we can now solve for a pulse. We will have a pulse during 1t5.

In [9]:
# Set up parameters for the pulse (on at t = 1, off at t = 5, x_0 = 2)
x_args = (1.0, 4.0, 2.0)

# Package parameters into a tuple
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_pulse, x_args)

# Integrate ODEs
yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs_x_fun, yz_0, t, args=args)

# Pluck out y and z
y, z = yz.transpose()

# Plot the results
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, y, line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y')
p.line(t, z,line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'top_right'

#Show plot

Let's see what happens when we do a shorter pulse, this time with 1t3.

In [10]:
# Set up parameters for the pulse (on at t = 1, off at t = 3, x_0 = 2)
x_args = (1.0, 2.0, 2.0)

# Package parameters into a tuple
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_pulse, x_args)

# Integrate ODEs
yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs_x_fun, yz_0, t, args=args)

# Pluck out y and z
y, z = yz.transpose()

# Plot the results
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, y, line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y')
p.line(t, z,line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'top_right'

#Show plot

We see that Z basically does not respond to a short pulse. The delay of the circuit allows short pulses to be ignored, but large pulses to be detected and responded to.

Really short pulses and a lesson about scipy.integrate.odeint()

Now, we will take a brief interlude to learn an important lesson about the algorithm of scipy.integrate.odeint() and its use in these applications. We will consider a very brief pulse, 1t1.1.

In [11]:
# Set up parameters for the pulse (on at t = 1, off at t = 1.1, x_0 = 2)
x_args = (1.0, 0.1, 2.0)

# Package parameters into a tuple
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_pulse, x_args)

# Integrate ODEs
yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs_x_fun, yz_0, t, args=args)

# Pluck out y and z
y, z = yz.transpose()

# Plot the results
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, y, line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y')
p.line(t, z,line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'top_right'

#Show plot

Uh oh! Something went wrong, since the Y signal never went up. This exposes an important issue with the algorithm used by scipy.integrate.odeint(). The Hindmarsh algorithm uses variable step sizes so that it takes long steps when the system is not changing much and short steps when it is. Therefore, if we have a long period of no changes (leading up to t=1), the step sizes taken by the solver will increase, and we'll step right over the pulse.

So, it is in general good practice to explicitly take into account discontinuities in the parameters over time. In this case, we would use scipy.integrate.odeint() to integrate to the pulse and use the end point of that as the initial condition of a new solution during the pulse. Then, at the end of the pulse, we start again. Let's try again using this method.

In [12]:
# Integrate prior to pulse
t_before_pulse = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 20)
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, 0.0)
yz_0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
yz_before_pulse = scipy.integrate.odeint(
                    cascade_rhs, yz_0, t_before_pulse, args=args)

# Integrate during pulse
t_during_pulse = np.linspace(1.0, 1.1, 50)
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, 2.0)
yz_0 = yz_before_pulse[-1]
yz_during_pulse = scipy.integrate.odeint(
                    cascade_rhs, yz_0, t_during_pulse, args=args)

# Integrate after pulse
t_after_pulse = np.linspace(1.1, 5, 50)
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, 0.0)
yz_0 = yz_during_pulse[-1]
yz_after_pulse = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs, yz_0, t_after_pulse, args=args)

# Piece together solution
t = np.concatenate((t_before_pulse, t_during_pulse[1:], t_after_pulse[1:]))
yz = np.vstack((yz_before_pulse, yz_during_pulse[1:,:], 
y, z = yz.transpose()

# Plot the results
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, y, line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y')
p.line(t, z,line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'top_right'

#Show plot

Much better. We can write functions to automate this, but we will leave it at this for now with the point made about discontinuities.

Periodic input

Finally, we will consider the case where we have periodic forcing of the circuit. We will do this for highly cooperative activation by Y, taking ny=10. Recall that this gives a longer time delay.

We first write a function for the forcing, x_fun, which is periodic with frequency f.

In [13]:
def x_periodic(t, f, x_0):
    Returns x value for periodic forcing of amplitude x_0 and frequency f.
    if type(f) in [float, int]:
        return x_0 * (1 + np.sin(f * t))
        sin_sum = np.zeros_like(t)
        for freq, amp in zip(f, x_0):
            sin_sum += amp * (1 + np.sin(freq*t))
        return sin_sum

# Plot the forcing
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 500)

# Plot the results
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, x_periodic(t, 5, 2.0), line_width=2, color=colors[2])

#Show plot

Let's see how the circuit responds to a low-frequency input.

In [14]:
# Set up parameters for periodic forcing with f = 0.5 and x_0 = 2.
x_args = (0.5, 2.0)

# Package parameters into a tuple, now with high cooperativity
n_y = 10
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, n_y, x_periodic, x_args)

# Time points
t = np.linspace(0, 40, 300)

# Initial condition
yz_0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

# Integrate ODES
yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs_x_fun, yz_0, t, args=args)

# Pluck out y and z
y, z = yz.transpose()

# x
x = x_periodic(t, *x_args)
x /= x.max()

# Plot the results
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, y, line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y')
p.line(t, z, line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z')
p.line(t, x, line_width=2, color=colors[2], alpha=0.2, legend='x (normalized)', line_join='bevel')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'top_right'

#Show plot

We roughly follow the forcing with some lag. Now, for high-frequency forcing, we have a different response.

In [15]:
# Set up parameters for periodic forcing with f = 5 and x_0 = 2.
x_args = (5.0, 2.0)

# Package parameters into a tuple
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, 10, x_periodic, x_args)

# Time points
t = np.linspace(0, 25, 600)

# Initial condition
yz_0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

# Integrate ODES
yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs_x_fun, yz_0, t, args=args)

# Pluck out y and z
y, z = yz.transpose()

# x
x = x_periodic(t, *x_args)
x /= x.max()

# Plot the results
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, y, line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y', line_join='bevel')
p.line(t, z, line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z', line_join='bevel')
p.line(t, x, line_width=2, color=colors[2], alpha=0.2, legend='x (normalized)', line_join='bevel')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'top_right'

#Show plot

We see that Z does not really respond to high frequency forcing, even though the forcing is with the same amplitude. This gives us a design principle, that a cascade can filter out high frequency fluctuations. We can see this by adding another frequency to the signal.

In [16]:
# Set up parameters for periodic forcing with f = 5 and x_0 = 2.
x_args = ((0.5, 10.0), (0.5, 2.0))

# Package parameters into a tuple
args = (beta_y, beta_z, gamma, n_x, 10, x_periodic, x_args)

# Time points
t = np.linspace(0, 25, 600)

# Initial condition
yz_0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0])

# Integrate ODES
yz = scipy.integrate.odeint(cascade_rhs_x_fun, yz_0, t, args=args)

# Pluck out y and z
y, z = yz.transpose()

# x
x = x_periodic(t, *x_args)
x /= x.max()

# Plot the results
p = bokeh.plotting.figure(plot_width=500,
                          x_axis_label='dimensionless time',
                          y_axis_label='dimensionless y, z')

# Populate glyphs
p.line(t, y, line_width=2, color=colors[0], legend='y', line_join='bevel')
p.line(t, z, line_width=2, color=colors[1], legend='z', line_join='bevel')
p.line(t, x, line_width=2, color=colors[2], alpha=0.2, legend='x (normalized)', line_join='bevel')

# Place the legend
p.legend.location = 'top_right'

#Show plot

Even though the high frequency part of the forcing has a bigger amplitude, the signal in z responds predominantly to the low frequency part of the signal.